How Domotz streamlined provisioning of IoT devices

by cmoullec on 27 February 2020

Learn how Ubuntu Core and snaps gives Domotz a competitive advantage

As the number of IoT devices scale, the challenges of provisioning and keeping them up to date in the field increases. Domotz, who manufacture an all-in-one, network monitoring and management device for enterprise IoT networks, found themselves with this challenge that was further compounded by their rapid software release cadence.

One of the most crucial and difficult aspects for Domotz to solve was the delivery of automatic updates to the tens of thousands of devices deployed. Domotz turned to snaps and Ubuntu Core to meet their exacting requirements.

I absolutely believe that Ubuntu Core and snaps give us a competitive advantage. We are the only company in the IoT network management space that can guarantee a secure, always-up-to-date device for our customers’ on-premises deployments.
Giancarlo Fanelli, CTO, Domotz

Download the full case study to learn more including:

  • How the use of Ubuntu Core, snaps and private brand stores offers the security, reliability and customisation Domotz needed to roll out to their 3,000 customers
  • The development time saved over building and maintaining their own provisioning channel
  • The ease of integration with their existing infrastructure including Windows machines and AWS virtual servers

Download the case study here:

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